This simple recipe for delicious tomato soup is part of the Kirkland Signature Martha Stewart product line, available at Costco. It makes for a delicious...
Make this easy grilled pizza with a foolproof dough, simple tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella cheese, and basil. No grill? Simply cook the dough in a cast-iron...
Peppery broccoli rabe is blanched before going into a hot skillet with a liberal amount of garlic. Lemon wedges and red-pepper flakes complete the quick...
This simple soup highlights the flavor of watercress: clean and slightly bitter but not overwhelming. The potato gives this soup enough extra body to make...
Pierogi were traditionally served as a meatless dish during Lent, but evolved into a popular side dish. Pierogi bob to the surface of the cooking water...
Ditch the store-bought stuff and try this delicious marinara sauce atop any pasta or in our Rustic Vegetable Soup recipe from Everyday Food associate food...
No one will miss the meat in this satisfying stew (it's also vegan!). It starts with a roux and the holy trinity of onion, celery, and bell pepper, then...
The yogurt makes a cool, creamy counterpoint to this mildly spicy soup made with protein-packed dried lentils. As a budget bonus, this recipe makes enough...
Eli Zabar, owner of The Vinegar Factory in New York City, believes that with only a few fresh ingredients, you can achieve a full-flavored sandwich. This...
Martha likes to use a rustic boule with a bit of rye in it for a denser, moister crumb. It toasts up beautifully without drying out and makes the ideal...
Easy, quick deviled ham is the perfect savory sandwich spread or dip that everyone will love no matter the occasion! Tasty ham is blended with lots of...
When tomatoes and eggplant roast together until they reach a melty and delicate consistency, they become a flavorful combo for a vegetarian sandwich that...
These simple green beans strike the perfect balance between salty and tart. Blanch beans up to a day ahead, then saute just before dinner for a fresh side...
This lentil curry is creamy, rich, healthy and very easy to make. If you have never tried lentil curry, you must try this coconut lentil curry! This is...
Talk about "knock your socks off"! These bean cakes end up crispy and crusty on the outside, but oh-so tender and creamy on the inside. Recipe by Emeril...
These sandwiches were cooked on a grill, but a skillet would work just as well. Choose your favorite kind of cheese. We prefer a variety that melts easily,...